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Blog – October 2020

29Oct Nine Questions for First-Time Property Buyers

Nine Questions for First-Time Property Buyers

The real estate market is slowly recovering although the COVID-19 pandemic is not over. People all around the UK are looking for new homes and many of the buyers are newcomers to the market. Better safe than sorry is a [...]

24Oct Five Tips to Build a Healthy Home

Five Tips to Build a Healthy Home

The pandemic made people aware that they need more space for leisure activities in their homes. That is, we all want to be healthy so why not start by turning our homes into a wellness sanctuary. These do not have [...]

12Oct Can We Buy a Future-proofed Home?

Can We Buy a Future-proofed Home?

Homeowners want to buy a property that can retain a good price in the long run. However, this may seem like wishful thinking because no one can truly predict the changes in housing prices. Regardless, there are a couple of [...]

7Oct What Taxes Does A Landlord Have to Pay in the UK?

What Taxes Does A Landlord Have to Pay in the UK?

If you have a second property and you earn income through rent you have to pay taxes. The question is what taxes exactly? Also, you may be eligible to get certain allowances, however, this depends on your annual earnings. Here [...]


From the blog

7Aug High demand forces rental prices to increase

High demand forces rental prices to increase

Low supply and soaring demand fuel high prices for both the sales market and the private rental sector – a truth that makes itself felt by landlords and tenants.   NAEA Propertymark – a membership body for estate agents – has recently shared data collected by its members to provide a snapshot of the current […]


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