Paul’s Big Race
It’s that time of year again. Summer is glinting in the distance, sending the entire city into a frenzy. Walking through a busy street, you’ll find yourself rubbing shoulders with brave pedestrians in shorts and a t shirt, to slightly confused individuals in duffle coats.
Our Sales Manager Paul however, will soon be wearing his running gear as he embarks on the 2015 London Marathon on the 26th of April. He’s been training hard for months on end, regaling us with colourful stories of his latest gym sessions. “Today I learned how to do a Pyramid!” he declares, over a bowl of pomegranate – the grand finale of a five course trainer’s lunch.
This brave new challenge he has taken on will be in conjunction with Virgin Active, to raise money for Bart’s Charity. The runners will be heading through key London streets, from Pall Mall, Canary Wharf, to Rubicon Estate’s very own Narrow Street, which we’ve called home for nearly 20 years. To celebrate the event and support our colleague, Rubicon will be open for day of fundraising. Refreshments will be served – we only ask that you make a donation to the charity in exchange.
To donate, text the code “RUBI65 £5” 70070 to make a £5 donation. You can also visit www.justgiving.com/paul-kirby7 to make a donation of your choice.
We’ll be open from 9am onwards. We hope to see you there!